Should I let my crazy out?
Have you ever been caught out in the ‘real world’ (that place where you actually walk with both feet – not the one where you type out your inner monologue), trying to explain the way you feel about Twilight?
I don’t mean just how much you adore the books. Because lots of people out there are fans of good books. Being a fan of a book is normal right? That’s easy to explain: good plot, good character development, blah, blah, blah…
No, I mean have you ever found yourself actually thinking about telling a ‘real world’ friend how you adore talking Twilight to other ‘crazy bitches’ on Twitter all day. How you feel giggly and smiley every time you watch a fan-made Robsten video with some cheesy love song playing on Youtube? How you would literally defend Rob and Kristen against paparazzi if the chance presented itself – because somehow you feel protective of them? How you can no longer read your book club assignments because fan fiction is twice as entertaining (not to mention it helps your sex life waaaay more than Sarah’s Key – why read about the atrocities of the Holocaust when you could read about what really went down on Isle Esme?)
How this all got started.
Recently I found myself trying to explain to a longtime friend why I adore everything Twilight. This is not something I would do with just ‘anyone’ (not even the hubs). But this friend has been near and dear to my heart since we were in third grade and had to trace each other for an insane art project. She’s been with me through lots in life and seen my brand of crazy before. But you see this friend has been somewhere under a rock the last couple years. Call it the ‘Rock of New Motherhood’ (some of you will relate – that bitch is a heavy boulder the first couple years). After much poking and prodding by me – she was finally reading Twilight.
Much to my utter amazement – her rock had been firmly planted. She was one of the last Twilight virgins. She didn’t know the plot. She didn’t know how it ends. She hadn’t seen the movies. She barely knew Rob’s last name, (‘He’s that guy from Harry Potter right?).
And so here in 2010 – nearly half a decade after the fact – she was getting to experience that first, awesome wave of total obsession. Remember that I ‘must-stay-up-reading-till-3am-even-though-I go-to-work-at-6am’ feeling?
She texted me constantly. Up to 150 times in one night. I had to call and sign up for an unlimited text plan cause clearly, by the time she read Breaking Dawn, I was going to be the poor house at 20 cents a text.
I felt just plain joyful watching her become a part of the ‘phenomenon’ before my eyes. It felt like welcoming her into the fold. I was lifting the rock right off her head.
And so I found myself thinking: should I explain my crazy to her? But to explain it, I would first have to answer that question from my inner teenage girl. I am a 34-year-old, college educated, happily married, minivan driving, country-club-going mother of two…
Why do I love this stuff so much?
And alas, the answers started pouring out of me. And for some reason – I feel the need to pour them out here…
The Obvious Number One
First, of course, any list like this has to start with Stephenie’s work. Clearly, that’s why we’re all here in the first place.
I do not read science fiction. I do not read horror. So when people told me vampires? No way. So the fact that Stephenie Meyer could dream up this world and make me love it – means it’s a damn fine story. I will always remember the Oprah interview where one of her school girls in Africa told her it was ‘delicious reading’. That’s exactly what it is: Just delicious.
Truthfully – I don’t know if Stephenie will go down as the most amazing writer of all time, but her character development is so blissfully complete that it leaves you feeling like you’ve crawled up inside their heads by the end. Like you have the ability to do Edward f-ing mind tricks with these characters.
To me, that’s why the Twilight fan fiction cosmos works so well – we know these people. We can take them out of Forks and plop them in Harvard Yard or a hockey arena or the red room of pain (silently bowing down to those awesome fic writers) and still know how they would react and think in a totally different universe. If Stephenie’s characters didn’t ‘speak to us’ like they obviously do – then the fan fiction universe wouldn’t be as amazing as it is.
Coming From The Land of Spilled Milk
And Stephenie actually brings me to my #2 as well. I love her. I love that this whole thing was started by a stay-at-home-mom.
I’ve been in that burnt out, life revolves around naptime and laundry haze for the last 6 years and I love that she’s a part of that same cult. I love that she is this slightly frumpy, suburban- housewife and snot-wiping mom. I love that it all started from a dream. I love that she typed it on her laptop and hid it from her hubby (as if mine is ever gonna read this!)
I’m inspired by her. Inspired to be something more. (I don’t know what of course – when I figure it out I’ll let you know.) As a stay-at-home mom you get locked into feeling like the most important thing you do all day is kiss boo-boos and read your kids a book (and that is important – if you haven’t read to your kid today – put this shit down and go read Brown Bear, Brown Bear). But seeing Stephenie become this Goddess of the Best Seller List should teach us all that we shouldn’t be afraid to dream big dreams. Even if we’re doing it in ponytails and sweats that smell like spoiled milk.
Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is the most important thing I’ll ever do - even if I become the President of the freaking country. But this whole crazy thing has taught me that it doesn’t have to be the only part of me. I can be a mom and be other things too. Stephenie’s success should remind us all that we don’t have to get stuck wearing just ‘one hat’ in this life.
Calling All Hecklers!
And so that brings me to the movie side of this crazy love affair. (And oh, what a love affair this part is…) I have to preface my next reason with a little background. Stick with me. I’ll make a point …
I’m going to go ahead and admit something that might get me heckled. When I first saw Twilight in the theatre on opening night – I wasn’t so crazy about it. It just didn’t all ‘go’ with what I had in my head. At some, point months and months later, I started oddly enough, constantly choosing to watch the DVD while folding laundry. And long about the 5th viewing I was in love. (“Really? This guy is hot!” “And this chick – she totally does nail Bella. How does she act so clumsy and shy, but fierce at the same time?”)
And then New Moon came out. And even though it’s my least favorite book in the series (please come back Edward, please come back now!), Chris Weitz rocked my world with the new color palette. His version of the Twilight universe looked more like what I had in my head. (“And damn, now I really think this chick is hot too?!” And “holy cow, I don’t like Jacob – but those are some mother f-ing abs!”)
I was hooked. I wanted to know more about these actors. I started catching some random interviews. And again, gonna get heckled, I’ll admit that at first I found watching Kristen and Rob painful! I’d see one of them floundering around and think: why is he so goofy? why is she so awkward? And then, I saw them together for the first time. And oh my f-ing god. I got it. They weren’t goofy or awkward – they were adorable. They were REAL.
Fierce Women Rock
So my third reason for being a Twilight crazy? For so many reasons - I love Kristen Stewart. I love that she’s real. As the mother of a little girl, I cringe at the ‘celebrities’ that are plastered in front of us. The hoochie-momma, Vegas-party-hopping without underwear, no talent or reason for being famous leaches that we are forced to hear about every day.
Kristen is like a bright shining star amidst that crappy night. She actually works for one. And she works hard. She cares about her job. She cares about getting it right. I honestly think that she is pretty much steering this ‘Twilight Saga’ ship. (As Rob called her – she’s the linchpin). I think she feels beholden to us to ‘get this thing right’. And I love her for that. I think Catherine Hardwicke (God love her cooky self) would have turned the original flick into a gooey, lovey, tween-dreamfest if Kristen hadn’t delved deeper into the characters and used her ‘power of persuasion’ to point out issues (and to chose Rob over some plastic Zac Efron look alike). At 17 years old, keeping things on course was pretty ballsy. Which of course I also love.
I adore that she says what she means and means what she says and never apologizes for it (well, except for the pap-rape comment – which I wish she hadn’t apologized for cause really Kristen – I might have been the only one – but I ‘got’ it…. I didn’t think it was offensive. I thought it was truthful. Fuck having to be ‘PC’ all the time.). There are so few celebrities and absolutely no politicians who speak their own truth anymore. They are all told what to say by some publicist puppet master behind the curtain. Can you imagine anyone ever telling Kristen what she had to say? Shit would go down. You don’t get canned answers from her ever. She feels what she’s saying. That’s why I think she stumbles sometimes. Because unlike the rest of Hollywood she’s actually thinking about what she’s saying.
I dig that she doesn’t feel the need to live her life through the pages of People magazine. Because people who live their life that way have it explode in their face. At 20 years old, she’s pretty f-ing brilliant to realize that. I love that she’s this fierce, powerful woman who’s gonna live life on her own terms no matter what people tell her or think of her.
I love that she’s utterly, jaw-droppingly beautiful one minute and a total wreck the next. She’s gorgeous - in that old-fashion, GOD-GIVEN way. How rare is that these days? How many celebrities do you see go out with hair unwashed in a ponytail and jeans and a flannel on? Now how many of you just went to the grocery store looking like that today? That’s why I love her. She’s one of us. She’s a normal woman. Lord, these days – just having your own breasts makes you a novelty in Hollywood. Kristen even has her own teeth! Totally novel.
As a normal, plain-old, ‘god-given’ woman myself – all that makes me adore her even more. As a mother it makes me want to stand up and squeeze her and say ‘thank you’! Because she might just be one of the only people I want my daughter seeing a picture of in a magazine. I want my daughter to grow up idolizing ‘real’ – not unattainable plastic. Bottom line is you can’t get more ‘real’ than Kristen Stewart. As a 34 year old woman, I’m not ashamed to say I look up to her. And I’m not afraid to have my 5 year old daughter look up to her someday too.
We should all be more fierce, less afraid to speak our minds, passionate about our work and able to embrace the beauty God gave us.
He Ain’t Just Pretty
Of course you don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to guess my #4. Of course we all love Rob cause he’s also utterly, jaw-droppingly beautiful and when he opens his mouth his has that fuck-hot British accent makes all American women swoon. But you know – God gave Zac Efron and Brad Pitt some decent love in the looks department and I can’t stand either of them. So if Rob was just ‘pretty’ – he wouldn’t appeal to me at all.
Of course many of the reasons I love Kristen, are also why I love Rob. He’s this funny, hard working, cares about getting it right and still loves his mummy boy.
He could be out there humping a different drama queen every night. He could be making a gazillion dollars on 15 minutes of fame in every cheesy romantic comedy that I’m sure are being thrown at him daily. But instead – he is clearly a one-woman man. You gotta love that!. And he searches for parts that mean something to him – that he feels. You gotta respect that.
He’s the absolute opposite of the cocky-egotistical asshole that makes up most of Hollywood’s leading men and all of Washington DC’s politicians (my hometown – trust me it’s full of assholes). He is so self-deprecating you want to throw your arms around him and give him a dose of self confidence. You can feel how uncertain he is about his work, his looks, you name it... And who among us can’t relate to that!
I also love that he’s still besties with all his old friends from home. I love how they have this little protective cocoon around each other. Because obviously, I’ve stuck close to my own besties from third grade too. He knows what ‘BFF’ really means. I love that.
Smash 3 & 4 Together And You Get… Eye Sex
And so that brings me to my #5. Which is actually what you get when you smash #3 and #4 together. I love ‘Rob and Kristen’.
F-ING GODDDDD… the way he looks at her… Every woman on the planet should have a man look at her like that at least once in life. The ‘eye-sex’, as we all call it, floors me.
I preface this with the fact that I am happily married to a man I fell in love with at age 15. I remember eye sex. I had lost it for a while, while I was under that same rock that fell on my friend. But watching Rob and Kristen watch each other - helped me get it back. (Seriously. I think my husband can thank his lucky starts that these two sexing each other up is getting him sexed up a whole lot more these days! )
They are giddy with each other. It made me remember how it feels to be giddy in love. It’s a feeling we let slip away when love turns into marriage and marriage turns into the inevitable day-to-day bullshit of life. But watching ‘Robsten’ unfold has reminded me that we don’t have to let that happen. And I’ve been working damn hard to get my giddy back.
I honestly don’t get how there are any people on this universe who don’t think they are together. They ooze it. To me they are a package deal. When you watch interviews of them together – there is just a completeness there that doesn’t exist when they are apart. To borrow a Reneeism… they are just like magnets. You can see the physical pull. It’s amazing to witness. And this is the part that makes me feel like a slightly crazy 34 year old fangirl – but they just make me smile. I don’t want to go up and hassle them. I don’t want to hunt down their latest ‘love nest’ and post it on twitter or buy a spoon one of them licked off Ebay – I just want to see them happy.
And so I’ve learned in this fandom that makes me a ‘shipper’. And I am such a shipper of their brand of giddy. We should all be so lucky to be that much in love.
Fangirl Version 2.0
And finally, (as if anyone is still reading this 2500 words in!), that brings me to #6. I love this fandom. I love that there is a fandom. How is it possible that - not only am I crazy in the head – but there are MILLIONS of other women out there from all walks of life who are equally bat-shit-nutty over all this stuff too??
I am so late to this party that I feel like the band-geek no one wanted to invite. But when Eclipse came out in June, all of the stuff I’ve yammered on about in the last 4 pages just came to a head. I went to see it 6 times. Twice I went by myself in the middle of the freaking day. It was the first time I’ve ever gone to a movie theatre by myself.
After seeing it the second time I came home and reread all 4 books in 5 days. And then I felt that same sadness when Edward finally gets into her head. I didn’t want it to be over all over again. And somehow – digging somewhere in that cyber galaxy that is Google – I found mention of a Robsten fan fiction. And so thanks to my fan fiction cherry was popped. And a new level of crazy was reached. I was sucked into the black hole.
I have an undergraduate degree in journalism. I know what a challenge it is to put pen to paper. I am utterly astonished by the craftiness that so many fans have with a pen (umm. ..keyboard…).
I have now read versions of Breaking Dawn that I think are better than the original. I have read alternate universe fics that make me wish Edward wasn’t even a vampire (cause he can be goooood at so many other things! *insert fangirl giggle*). I love that there are anonymously talented women and men (my shout out to SR who I think is an f-ing genius!) out there who pour their souls into this work for the rest of us to enjoy.
I love that I now know how to ‘tweet’ and can go at any time of day or night and seek out other crazies. I adore that this fandom brings us together. How else could you go from talking to some half-drunk college co-ed from Texas to a stay-at-home mom in Melbourne, Australia in one day? This craziness crosses continents and generations. (This summer, I sat at the pool watching a 13 year old lay out on an Edward beach towel while two 80 year old women next to me were talking about going to see Eclipse!)
At 13, I was a part of another fandom. I am not ashamed to say I was once a great lover of all things New Kids on the Block… and back then I loved that feeling of camaraderie we had sitting outside stadiums stalking and acting like goofy fangirls. I never thought I’d get to experience that again. Surely 34 is way too old and dried up to ever call yourself any kind of ‘girl’ again. But no. I am a fangirl again. And I love it.
And now you know all the reasons why.
- Twopeas1pod
Ps – Jerry McGuire had his ‘up-all-night’ type out a mission statement craziness . This has been mine. Thanks for sticking it out.